Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happiest Place on Earth

We had SUCH a FUN weekend in SoCal!  I'm ready to go back.  
Want to come too?

Remember a few months ago when I showed up at the airport wearing the same thing as my sister Amy?  Well, now I've done it with the other sister too.  At least Kristen and I went to Disneyland in different colors.

Also, if Kristen is anywhere near you in the next, oh, 14 days, ask her to take your Christmas card photo.  It will look fantastic!  (Now, if I could only get them out before Christmas that would be good.)

Molly loved driving the bugs.  She smacked Scott's hands away if he tried to help.  Boy, if that's how it's going to be, we can't wait until she's learning to drive for real.

Looking at the camera + smiling = miracle!

Emily loved the turkey legs so much that she had two of them.  I guess she takes after her dad.

One more thing about Emily and turkeys that I keep forgetting to write about - on Thanksgiving when I was putting the turkey in the oven she came over to me with a very serious look on her face and asked, "Mom, how did you hunt this?"  I think she was a little disappointed when I told her I got it as Costco.  Darn Costco, always ruining traditions!


Laurie said...

Fun pictures! Richard LOVES those turkey legs too.

Heidi's picture is your christmas miracle!

Herlehy Family said...

I love the picture of Emily with the turkey leg! Looks like you guys had a great time.

Steph said...

Looks like ya'll had so much fun. I want to go too!! Love the picture of Heidi, so cute.

Wright Life said...

My head truly is ginormous, and apparently I need to wear more makeup. We had so much fun with you guys! Lets go again...this weekend and this time we'll take Amy and Monica (and their fams)

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