It's the end of the school year and we've had a lot of end-of-the year celebrations! Here they all, all at once. (Why post more often than necessary?)
First up, preschool graduation.
Molly was pretty excited to wear her new dress. She even has matching shoes, by the way, but those did not make the cut. I have to say that I really think the boots made it more Snazzboree than Gymboree, and I like that.
Our favorite teacher - Cathy! I will miss her so much in 3 years when I don't drive to her school twice a week. I might just show up randomly by mistake when I'm on autopilot. I did that once to Target. Oops.
Next was Molly's gymnastics show.
Here she is going a little Flashdance on me.
I swear I did not ask her to do this pose (or the other one). I asked her to stand by the sign so I could take her photo and she suddenly got all serious and stuck her leg out. Hilarious!
The posing was more fun for her than the class. She was not into the actual gymnastics part of the class at all the day. Molly is a balancing and bouncing machine at home but during the show she asked a teacher to help her do a forward roll. I guess she didn't want to show off - at all.
The next day was Heidi's show, and we all got to participate!
(Check out those pigtails! She finally let me put them in!)
Ta dah!
Heidi is our daredevil. She loved hanging from the top bar. What a monkey that girl is.
Today was Emily's Kindergarten graduation program! How am I old enough to have a Kindergarten graduate? HOORAY for Emily!
All five Kindergarten classes sang songs and then we all had a BBQ in the park. My favorite song was "Je suis une pizza." I sang that in my French class in college - Emily is so much more advanced, obviously.
Here's the Piglet class going in for the hug.
Thank you to our fantastic teacher!
Best part of the picnic? Easy. Piglet Pigskin.
It was pretty funny. Emily has no idea how to play football, so anytime she was about to make a touchdown she'd pass the ball. The other team went wild, and Emily thought it was great too, thinking they were going wild for her awesome passing skills. We have to get this girl into more sports.