It was just before the prayer at church and suddenly Emily and Molly BOTH had to go to the bathroom AT THAT VERY MOMENT. Scott told them to wait, we could leave in two more minutes, but Molly said what every parent of a newly potty-trained kid dreads hearing. "I'm about to go pee-pee in my underpants!" She actually says this a lot. I don't think she really does have to go all the time though. She just knows saying it causes action.
They're three and five. We can't let them escape on their own yet. (Someday . . . ) So Scott takes them to the bathroom. Emily hops on the toilet and Molly dances around. Emily, being the kind sister she is says, "Hop on Molls, there's room for two." What do you know, there WAS room for two.

Scott thought this was so funny that however inappropriate it was (for so many reasons) it was worth taking a picture and posting it online. OK, the posting was my idea. Who could resist sharing this photo?

Scott was going through the photos on his camera and found this cute one too. It seems that Molly loves sharing tight spaces with both of her sisters.