OK, so we're not really spooky at our house. I like cute Halloween, which, thanks to cute girls, is pretty easy to have. It's also easy when you have a dress-up box full of old costumes that the girls go through to pick their costumes!

Here's spooky Molls in her witch costume - the scariest of the bunch - about to get hit with a spider cookie. (Witch was recycled from Emily's 2005 costume.)
Disney wishes their princesses were this cute!
Heidi had been planning to be a dog for MONTHS before Halloween (Dog costume was also Emily's, recycled from 2004) , so imagine my surprise when the morning of trunk-or-treat she decided she wanted to be Cinderella.
Last year Molly and Heidi both wanted to be Cinderella. Amazingly enough, we HAD two Cinderella costumes already! Molly's was purchased as a dress-up outfit and Heidi's was a dress-up outfit for Emily's 4th birthday. Funny story - it was supposed to be a 4T. Um, no. Heidi was not jazzed about wearing the one Molly wore last year because, as she explained, "Molly's Cinderella, not mine." So she wore the faux-4T. She looks like she's ready for the DCC. Good thing she's wearing that undershirt.

Can you guess? Do you give up?
I never saw the em and ems costumes!!! so dang cute :)I was never much of a fan of "your character" until that night... now I'm a fan :)
Love the "em & em". How did you get them to stick out? Very cute!! Molly and Heidi are adorable as well. I'm still questioning your costumes?? What up?
next year recycle your wig & be lady gaga. i've got a birds nest you can barrow and wear on your face.
(if you don't know what i'm talking about- google it)
Who are you?
Are you people from The Office? I have no idea....
Conan O'Brien and... his wife maybe?
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