With apologies to Katy Perry: I bathed in mud - and I liked it.

Half way though it did hit me that I was
paying to sit in mud. It wasn't just regular mud either, it was peat moss and clay - so it was spongy mud. It didn't smell very fresh and it was HOT, since it was mixed with the super hot natural mineral water of the area. It was a pretty strange feeling and I was ready to hop out after my 12 minutes of detoxifying was over.
Molly told me she can't wait to do this when she is a mom. Emily has no desire to EVER get near this mud. Heidi just laughs at Scott's picture. I do too.

But come on. Who couldn't love this face?
Looks like you guys had a great time. I have never tried a mud bath, sounds like something I need to put on my list. Was your skin smooth and soft afterwards?
Welcome back! Can't wait to hear about the trip...
Thanks for posting that picture of Scott - it gave me a great laugh!
Oh my goodness! I just don't know if I could do that! Thanks for the giggle!
I think that would be fun to try. What an adventure!
Gotta love the mud.
I've always wondered what that would be like - it looks fun. Now that I'm a mom, maybe I'll have to give it a try.
That is hilarious!! Where was this? Classic Carruth experience. You always put a smile on my face. Next: Oregon hot springs.
Are there mudbaths on the GCI? My boys tried that yesterday:)
That looks just like a place I went to in Napa with all of my old co-workers. I was just telling Jim how emberassing it was when I walked out butt naked (because they told me to) and realized that there were a bunch of other people in the room!!!!!
That picture freaks Mike and I out a little.
I love the pictures. I agree with Stacey - classic Carruth!
You guys are so funny and cute.
I left you an award on my blog.
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