OK, so maybe she looks different than the other girls, but we love her just as much.

She does need a good name though. Any suggestions?

Do you think Molly looks a little worried that Emily might actually try to ride away? (Emily wanted to, by the way.) Thanks to Patti for letting me borrow her helmet for a few days until my special-order super-small-noggin size comes in!
How cool are you?!? I LOVE it! You need that to ride around the streets of Italy... or Roseville or wherever it is that you live. You are the coolest ever.
I LOVE it!!!
It looks like a cute little lemon drop! You are one cool chick!
Okay, the first thing that came to my cluttered mind is "Chiquita". Anyway, I bet you can still find your way to IKEA on that cute number -- hey, you could add some royal blue and name her IKEA! (yes, up too late, up too early, and too many kids at my feet all day! -- nuf said!)
Sweet! We love it! You are going to look HOT ridin' around on your lil' buttercup. (I like Chiquita better.) The girls look right at home.
We'll have to come take a spin on it sometime. We'll bring my quad and you on your scooter and we'll cruise Main St. We are such hot mammas.
You guys are so much fun! Enjoy!
So that's your answer to the gas prices huh? Well, if it's yours then all the sweet names are just fine but if your husband is ever going to go anywhere near that thing it needs to be named something manly... Like Bruce or Bubba!
She's blonde, just like your other girls! I love it, she is so cute! I bet it's tons of fun. The bottom picture is great! I love Molly's expression.
Molly looks so funny in the bottom picture. Her hair looks darling too. I still think you should name her Poppy, but Buttercup is good too. When I told Mom the name she started singing the Buttercup song.
I've always wanted a scooter like that! My best friend had one at BYU and I really, really wanted one but never got one. I like "Chiquita" or "Buttercup". The comments about how the scooter is Blond like your girls was hilarious!
Killer wheels!! You are so fun!
That was a SWEET ride. Even though it was only 5 houses from mine to your house... will the police department actually let me ride that with you to mutual? (with a helmet of course!)
Tell the Girlies I said hi and I'll miss them in Kansas!!
Lots Of Love,
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