The beat, that is.
Surprise, surprise, Emily had a Hairspray birthday party on Saturday. It was lots of fun for Emily and probably pretty fun for the rest of the kids who had not ever heard of Hairspray. They were just excited to wear fancy clothes.

Emily in her "Tracy" dress. She wanted brown and yellow hair for the party but I told her she'd just have to settle for big yellow hair. The brown will come, be patient.

I helped out as my alter ego, a 60s housewife.

We gave out customized cans of hairspray and combs as part of the party bag. Molly and Emily had already used theirs up three hours later. But really, I think the stick-up hair is a good look for Molly. We should have let her keep it for church the next morning.
Was it a party for Emily....or the mommies? Sounds fun!
You are so creative! That sounds like such a fun party.
I love the hairspray party! That looks very fun.
Sounds & looks like a fabulous time!
Wow! I dont think I've even see Hairspray but if a kid likes it then i probably will too! I'll give it a try!
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