Our whole family had a great time at our ward's trunk-or-treat. Scott and I dressed as Macs (you can see the tiny Apple stickers on our sweatshirts). I thought of asking Scott to dress in a suit and saying "I'm a PC" and I could just wear my regular clothes and say, "I'm a Mac" but then I thought it would be more fun to both wear casual clothes and both be Macs. Let's be honest, no one was looking at us. They were checking out our cute ladybug, cat and monkey.

Molly ditched the cat ears half way through the night so I became a mommy cat. I was impressed that Heidi kept the monkey hat on all night. Good work Monkey!

Scott said this picture will have to go in the slide show of Molly's cutest pictures when she gets married. We might as well start planning it 20 years early.

Here's a happy ladybug on her way to score more candy.

Here's a happy ladybug and her feline friend watching TV in the back of our friend's car.
You guys officially have the cutest ladybug, cat and monkey. I love trunk or treating. It is the way to go. But our ward won't do it. I love your "Mac" idea.
MEOW! You are one hot Mac/Cat!
You Macs sure produce a cute little zoo. Those are some very adorable girls!! Your monkey is just begging to be smothered with kisses. ADORABLE!!!
Adam is also a monkey for Halloween. It's official, Adam and Heidi were meant for each other...
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