We had a very exciting thing happen at our house. Emma A.'s flat twin came to visit us! We were feeling the pressure though. We saw that she had just visited Nickelodeon Studios so we had to make sure that the Ville was every bit as exciting as Burbank - or even more so. We hope the real Emma will want to come and visit soon.

First of all, we had to visit everyone's favorite store - Target. Emma told us her favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba. (Actually, we just guessed this. It SHOULD be your favorite show, Emma, so make sure you watch it with your mom.) In case you're wondering, no Molly did not have Ballet that morning - she just likes the clothes - you're right, Emily IS tall, and yes, Heidi is a Leprechaun with a messy face.

Next we hit the gym, well, the gymnastics gym. Emma, your twin's favorite part was the balance beam. She also tried the rings but couldn't quite reach. Good pose on the beam, by the way. You look like an even tinier Shawn Johnson.

After that we were off to the park. This park just opened a few weeks ago and is very popular with the pre-school set during the day. We loved playing in the sand with your flat twin and hope the volleyball nets won't go up anytime soon so we can keep playing in our giant sand pit.
Don't worry. The Ville is not the hood. That girl on the far left is actually very nice and is probably mid-sneeze, not flashing signs.

Your twin also loved going on the twisty slide. Standing up on a slide is not the safest thing and as Molly would say, earn you a safety violation. Emma, you should probably give your twin some slide safety lessons when she gets home.

A little later that day we hit the 30% off sale at Old Navy. This is the outfit you picked out. Cute! It would be even cuter if you had remembered a dress too instead of just a hat and shoes. The outfit you picked might be a little chilly - and embarrassing.

The next morning you went to cheer on the 2nd Ward volleyball team in the stake tournament. You wouldn't guess by the photo of these looney gals but we did very well - we won the championship for the third time in a row! We think Emma's flat twin must have been our lucky charm. (It also could have been the club-volleyball-playing Laurel, but it was probably the flat twin.)

After a morning (and afternoon) filled with Volleyball games, Emma's flat twin decided she wanted to go on a scooter ride around the neighborhood. Good call! It was such a nice day that Molly decided not to wear shoes all day long!

Luckily Officer Krupke didn't notice that Molly was not following the rules of scooter safety or else she would have earned one of those famous safety violations.

We saw him talking with his partner, Officer Poncherello, who was happy to show your flat twin his patrol car. Emily didn't want a turn in the hot seat and wouldn't even go near the car but we couldn't resist talking a photo of a flat twin in a police car. It's too bad the flat twin couldn't reach the siren button or that her feet couldn't reach the pedals. That would have made the day even more exciting.
Thanks for visiting, Flat Emma! Send your whole flat family next time!